Light cigarette is a lie

This is the age of light products. If you go to the supermarkets, you can see the word of "light" and similar such as "low" on a lot of products, especially food products pictures: Light drinks, low-fat yogurt, low-salt cheese, Light cigarettes, and Ultra-Light cigarettes, etc. If some people who had ever smoked ordinary 2cigarettes, to see the word highlighted on cigarette packs and in the belief that nicotine in these cigarettes is very low, and now smoke 3 or 4 cigarettes in day. Recently in America, judicial authorities have disclosed that a few decades, manufacturers of cigarettes in this country have deceived people with words like light and ultra-light and to increase their sales have lied people with some claims such as light cigarettes have less nicotine and therefore have fewer disadvantages. Interestingly, the fans of these cigarettes by this believing that these cigarettes have less harm to lungs, so pull the smoke of them deeply into lungs; and the numbers of consumed cigarette is more than other people. Each smoker's body has become accustomed to a certain level of nicotine in the blood, when a person smokes the light cigarettes, brings to his body as in previous nicotine (found in conventional cigarettes) with two mechanisms: 1) Increases the number of smoke breathes 2) Deeper smoking breathes . So you see by consume of this kind of cigarettes, their destructive effects being greater. This does not mean that we encourage you to use the regular cigarettes, but our goal is to remind you not deceive yourself with words such as light and ultra-light. The light cigarettes are like light drinks, that some diabetes use extremely them with this impression that there is no danger in consuming these beverages.


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