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Chest pain or a heart attack?

Sometimes it is necessary to know the difference between the symptoms of heart attack and chest pain. The accurate identification of these symptoms, not only can save your live from the risk, but also can prevent the undue concern occurrence in you. 1) If your discomfort and chest pain is caused by heart attack, in this case you will feel a serious and dangerous pain in the chest like the tightness and heaviness. Many people say that when a heart attack strikes, it seems that a big and heavy elephant had sit on their chest. 2) One of the heart attack symptoms is the pain radiate from the heart to the arms, shoulders, back, throat and jaw. Then sometimes, the person experiences the dizziness and nausea. 3) People with food's acid indigestion (heartburn) have chest pain similar to patients with heart attack, with this difference that pain does not be drawn in the upper part of their body (back, shoulder and throat). The heartburn should not be confused with a heart attack, because it

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